Join us for one of our Service times!
Join us for one of our Services!
Children and Youth (His K.R.E.W.):
Meets Sunday nights at the Church
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Grades 2nd - High School
Contact: Jessica Davenport
S.A.L.T. Sitsters
Meets one Monday a Month
6:30 PM at the Church
Check calendar for the date
Contact: Laura Mann 252-216-9869
Bethany Women's Group
Meets the First Thursday of each Month 7:00 PM at the Church
Contact: Millie Barkley 252-305-3929
Methodist Men:
Meets theThird Thursday Night at the Church Supper and Fellowship at 6:30 PM. Please RSVP
Contact: Larry Franklin, President
Daily Devotions and prayer every morning at 7:00 am. You can join either on Facebook, using “The Kingdom Alive” Facebook Page or on Zoom using the meeting code 505 172 9490, Password kingdom. Pastor Susie leads these with Pastor Ivey Belch.
Tuesday 9:30 am - we are currently participating in a prayer workshop with Rev. John Rice. We will be discussing our family legacies, or generational blessings and curses.
Tuesday 7pm- we hold a weekly soaking prayer service every Tuesday evening. This is a quiet time of individual prayer and reflection along with corporate worship and prayer. This service lasts approximately one hour.
GMC Conference Prayer- the NC Conference of the GMC holds a monthly Prayer time on Zoom on the first Thursday of every month at 7pm. You can join in by using this link https://webmail.centurylink.net/app/Utilities/gateway_url.asp?umsgid=%7Bbcec333a-91bf-4948-88ea-2a2797b75878%7D&uurl=https%3A//us06web.zoom.us/j/87106269423%3Fpwd%3DZp6nOgWaWeBhyKiqKXcdITHUagsbBP.1
Meeting ID: 871 0626 9423
Passcode: 743636
​Mc Prayer on Friday mornings at 9:00 am at Darrell's Restaurant in Manteo for coffee and prayer with Pastor Susie.